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                  德國The Imaging Source板機(jī)鏡頭DMK 33UX265


                  德國The Imaging Source映美精相機(jī) 在日常生活中的許多領(lǐng)域隨處可見: 工業(yè)、食品、飲料的生產(chǎn)、研究科學(xué)、醫(yī)藥和醫(yī)藥、交通和停車管理。 甚至在運(yùn)動(dòng)、休閑和媒體的應(yīng)用也深入生活。 由于人的肉眼被限制在*小的可見光范圍,而 The Imaging Source 映美精相機(jī) 的工業(yè)相機(jī)和軟件使隱形 可見。 機(jī)器視覺技術(shù)與效率讓每個(gè)人的生活受到保障,使其更**、更愉快。

                  超過25年以來,我們持續(xù)致力于開發(fā)和生產(chǎn)相機(jī)以**國際企業(yè), 使其分享我們對(duì)質(zhì)量和可靠性的*高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)承諾, 我們很榮幸能成為他們的價(jià)值鏈中有貢獻(xiàn)值的合作伙伴。 在開發(fā)展相機(jī)產(chǎn)品時(shí),我們從未忽略并宏觀看待: 透過硬件和軟件組件的**匹配而和諧相互產(chǎn)生負(fù)擔(dān)得起且可管理的技術(shù) - 使技術(shù)可管理化,讓成本維持下來。 這就是為什么,當(dāng)涉及到各式多樣的應(yīng)用且需求高質(zhì)量和經(jīng)濟(jì)考量因素的整合時(shí),**各地的企業(yè)仍一次又一次地看待 The Imaging Source 映美精相機(jī) 為他們的**合作伙伴。



                  Imaging Source       工業(yè)相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       顯微鏡用相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       內(nèi)建光學(xué)鏡頭相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       板*相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       自動(dòng)對(duì)焦相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       變焦相機(jī)

                  Imaging Source       轉(zhuǎn)換器

                  Imaging Source       圖像采集卡

                  Imaging Source       鏡頭

                  Imaging Source       板機(jī)鏡頭

                  Imaging Source       接管及接環(huán)

                  Imaging Source       濾鏡


                  Imaging Source       DMK 23U618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UV024

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UM021

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23U445

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UP1300

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23U274

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UX174

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UX249

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UX236

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33UX265

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33UX252

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33UX264

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33UX250

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23UP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK 24UP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK 27AUP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK 27BUP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK 24UJ003

                  Imaging Source       DMK 27AUJ003

                  Imaging Source       DMK 27BUJ003

                  Imaging Source       DFK MKU130-10x22  

                  Imaging Source       DFK AFU130-L53  

                  Imaging Source       DFK AFU050-L34  

                  Imaging Source       DMM 27UP031-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 24UP031-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 27UJ003-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 24UJ003-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMK AFUP031-M12

                  Imaging Source       DMK AFUJ003-M12

                  Imaging Source       DMK Z12G445

                  Imaging Source       DMK Z12GX236

                  Imaging Source       DMK Z30GP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK Z12GP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK Z12G445

                  Imaging Source       DFK Z12GX236

                  Imaging Source       DFK Z30GP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK Z12GP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK AFUJ003-M12

                  Imaging Source       DFK AFUP031-M12

                  Imaging Source       DMK 22AUC03-F

                  Imaging Source       DMK 72AUC02-F

                  Imaging Source       DFK 22AUC03-F

                  Imaging Source       DFK 72AUC02-F

                  Imaging Source       DFM 27UP006-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 24UP031-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 27UJ003-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 24UJ003-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 22BUC03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 42BUC03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 72BUC02-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 22BUC03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 42BUC03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 61BUC02-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 72BUC02-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 25G445-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 25GX236-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 25GP031-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 25G445-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 25GX236-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 25GP031-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 21AF04-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 21BF04-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 31AF03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DMM 31BF03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 21AF04-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 21BF04-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 31AF03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFM 31BF03-ML

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23U618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UV024

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23U445

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UM021

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UP1300

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23U274

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UX249

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UX174

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UX236

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33UX265

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33UX252

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33UX264

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33UX250

                  Imaging Source       DFK 24UP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23UP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK 27AUP006

                  Imaging Source       DFK 27BUP006

                  Imaging Source       DFK 24UJ003

                  Imaging Source       DFK 27AUJ003

                  Imaging Source       DFK 27BUJ003

                  Imaging Source       DMK 22BUC03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 22AUC03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 42BUC03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 42AUC03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 72AUC02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 72BUC02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21AU04

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BU04.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BU618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BU618.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21AU618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BU04

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31BU03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31AU03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31BU03.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41BU02.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41AU02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41BU02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 51BU02.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 51BU02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 51AU02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 22AUC03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 22BUC03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 42AUC03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 42BUC03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 61BUC02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 61AUC02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 72AUC02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 72BUC02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BU618.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BU618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21AU04

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BU04

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21AU618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BU04.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31BU03.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31BU03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31AU03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41BU02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41AU02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41BU02.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 51BU02.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 51BU02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 51AU02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33G618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GV024

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33G445

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GR0134

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GP1300

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33G274

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GX249

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GX174

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GX236

                  Imaging Source       DMK 33GP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33G618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GV024

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33G445

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GR0134

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GP1300

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33G274

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GX249

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GX174

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GX236

                  Imaging Source       DFK 33GP006

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23F618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23FV024

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23F445

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23FM021

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23F274

                  Imaging Source       DMK 23FP031

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23F618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23FV024

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23F445

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23FM021

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23F274

                  Imaging Source       DFK 23FP031

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BF04.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21AF04

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21AF618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BF618.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BF618

                  Imaging Source       DMK 21BF04

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31BF03.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31BF03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 31AF03

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41AF02

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41BF02.H

                  Imaging Source       DMK 41BF02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21AF04

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21AF618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BF04.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BF618.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BF618

                  Imaging Source       DFK 21BF04

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31BF03.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31BF03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 31AF03

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41BF02.H

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41AF02

                  Imaging Source       DFK 41BF02

                  Imaging Source       DFG/USB2pro

                  Imaging Source       DFG/USB2propcb

                  Imaging Source       DFG/HDSDI

                  Imaging Source       DFG/SV1

                  Imaging Source       DFG/SV1/LP

                  Imaging Source       DFG/LC4

                  Imaging Source       DFG/SV1/PCIe

                  Imaging Source       DFG/SV1/LP/PCIe

                  Imaging Source       DFG/MC4/PCIe

                  Imaging Source       TCSL 0418 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 0616 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCSL 0618 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 0814 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCSL 0818 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 1216 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 1616 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 2518 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 3520 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 5026 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TCL 7528 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 1.4 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 1.4 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 2.5 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 2.5 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 2.9 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 2.9 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 3.6 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 3.6 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 4 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 4 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 6 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 6 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 8 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 8 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 8.4-2 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 8.4-2 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 9.6-2 C 3MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 12-2 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 12-2 C 5MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 12 3MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 12 C 3MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 16 3MP

                  Imaging Source       TBL 16 C 3MP

                  Imaging Source       LAex0.5

                  Imaging Source       LAex1

                  Imaging Source       LAex5

                  Imaging Source       LAexSet

                  Imaging Source       PSU/Cinch23/EA


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