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                  ELAFLEX 快速接頭


                  ELAFLEX創(chuàng)建于1923年,ELAFLEX是***的工業(yè)軟管及管接件的制造商,作為補(bǔ)償器和軟管的生產(chǎn)企業(yè)提供內(nèi)容*且具有革新性的產(chǎn)品。 通過(guò)DIN EN ISO 9001認(rèn)證確保了企業(yè)擁有國(guó)際認(rèn)可的具有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化流程的質(zhì)量管理系統(tǒng)。
                  德國(guó)ELAFLEX快速接頭產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):TW hose coupling are used for e.g. tank trucks to load or reload petroleum based products, chemicals and bulk goods. These quick couplings meet EN 14420-6 (old DIN 28450) and are known for more than 50 years.  TW hose couplings are avaiblable in one-piece or two-piece construction, with SPANNFIX or SPANNLOC clamps.  Accessories: MB dust caps, VB dust plugs, chains. Material: brass, aluminium, stainless steel, with Teflon PFA coating. Type MK TW coupler with female pipe thread. Also available with bent lever, which are used in tight installation situation (MK .. 32°, MK .. 45°, MK .. 90°) Type MK-A TW-Mutterkupplung with active safeguard lever to prevent accidental opening of the lever, recommend for aggressive chemical media. Type VK TW male coupler with female pipe thread. Type VB 80 ADR SS + VB * ADR Al TW dust plug, stainless steel, with integrated pressure relief valve, which are released existing pressure to atmosphere. Type VK+VK / VK+MK / MK+MK / VK+Storz Adapter couplings with TW couplers or TW with Storz fire brigade coupling acc. to DIN 28 450.


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