




                  立即詢價 德國LTN編碼器
                  **銷售德國LTN(LITTON)編碼器 LTN(LITTON)編碼器 LTN(LITTON)增量型編碼器 LTN(LITTON)**型編碼器 LTN(LITTON)防爆編碼器 LTN(LITTON)滑環(huán) LTN(LITTON)解析器等產(chǎn)品。LTN(LITTON)編碼器常用型號:RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-A84 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-1-K09 RE-15-1-V02 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-A14 RE-15-3-D01 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A04 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-B71 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-1-K06 RE-21-1-V01 RE-21-1-V25 RE-21-1-V32 RE-21-3-A01 RE08-1-A45 RE-21-1-A05 RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A06 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-3-A03 RE-165-1-C001 R58WVRE151B24-031-07CX R71SSRE211A01-023-07R LTN(LITTON)編碼器常見系列:G24 G36 G58 G1B G71等,如G71DSLDBI-2500-120-15CP 德國LITTON公司也生產(chǎn)各種解析器,常見型號有RE-08 RE-10 RE-15 RE-21 GE-165 R58 R71等, 如RE08-1-A45 RE-21-1-A05 RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A06 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-3-A03 RE-165-1-C001 SH085 SS036R58WVRE151B24-031-07CXR71SSRE211A01-023-07R1 SWL SM034 SM050 SM070 SM090 SM140 SC040 SC080德國LTN編碼器   **銷售德國LTN(LITTON)編碼器 LTN(LITTON)編碼器 LTN(LITTON)增量型編碼器 LTN(LITTON)**型編碼器 LTN(LITTON)防爆編碼器 LTN(LITTON)滑環(huán) LTN(LITTON)解析器等產(chǎn)品。LTN(LITTON)編碼器常用型號:RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-A84 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-1-K09 RE-15-1-V02 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-A14 RE-15-3-D01 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A04 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-B71 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-1-K06 RE-21-1-V01 RE-21-1-V25 RE-21-1-V32 RE-21-3-A01 RE08-1-A45 RE-21-1-A05 RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A06 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-3-A03 RE-165-1-C001 R58WVRE151B24-031-07CX R71SSRE211A01-023-07R LTN(LITTON)編碼器常見系列:G24 G36 G58 G1B G71等,如G71DSLDBI-2500-120-15CP 德國LITTON公司也生產(chǎn)各種解析器,常見型號有RE-08 RE-10 RE-15 RE-21 GE-165 R58 R71等, 如RE08-1-A45 RE-21-1-A05 RE-15-1-A14 RE-15-1-V07 RE-15-3-D04 RE-15-1-K01 RE-15-4-D04 RE-21-1-A01 RE-21-1-A06 RE-21-1-A05 RE-21-1-K05 RE-21-3-A03 RE-165-1-C001 SH085 SS036R58WVRE151B24-031-07CXR71SSRE211A01-023-07R1 SWL SM034 SM050 SM070 SM090 SM140 SC040 SC080LTN產(chǎn)品有編碼器,分解器及集電環(huán)等。編碼器型號有G22, G38, G39, G60, G61 and G70等,分解器型號有RE-08,RE-10,RE-15,RE-27等。集電環(huán)型號有SM034 SM050 SM070 SM090 SM140 SD SC012 SC020 SC020-R SC040 SC080 SC100 SH085 SR085 SS036 Slipring request form。 LTN Rotary Encoders Attention: The previous types G22, G38, G39, G60, G61 and G70 are not manufactured any more. These were replaced with G24, G36, G58 and G71 with which the mechanical interface is identical and only the dimensions slightly can distinguish. Our product range contains of course a plenty of customized solutions as for example extended reference impulse, assemblies with slip rings as well as special dimensions. In addition, we offer solutions with which can be evaluated at the same time up to 8 independent traces. G24 Dimension: Outer ?: 24 mm Shaft ?: 4,5,6 mm or M6 thread Hollow shaft ? : 4 mm Specification: No. of increments: 512 max. Output signals: OC: 5...24 V TL: 5...24 V PP: 8...24 V LD (RS422): 5 V PDF download Short request for information G36 Dimension: Outer ?: 36.5 mm Shaft ?: 6.35 mm max. Hollow shaft ? : 8 mm max. Specification: No. of increments: 4096 max. Output signals: OC: 10...24 V TL: 10...24 V PP: 10...24 V LD (RS422): 5 V PDF download Short request for information G58 Dimension: Outer ?: 58 mm Shaft ?: 6 ... 10 mm max Hollow shaft ? : 6 ... 14 mm max. Specification: No. of increments: 2 ... 10 000 max. Output signals: PP: 8...24 V LD (RS422): 5 V PDF download Short request for information G71 Dimension: Outer ?: 71 mm Shaft ?: 12,7 mm max Hollow shaft ? : 12 mm max Specification: No. of increments: 10 000 max. Output signals: PP: 8...24 V LD (RS422): 5 V PDF download Short request for information G1B Dimension: Outer ?: 130 mm. Hollow shaft ? : 60 mm max Specification: No. of increments: 8192 max. Output signals: PP: 8...24 V LD (RS422): 5 V 1Vss 

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